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Our Story


Towards breastfeeding being the norm...

It all started in 2006 when Founder Juliet overestimated herself, "How tough can breastfeeding be?" She got her answer when baby's born - nightmare. Back then, she did not know the existence of IBCLCs. Irony of an ignorant educated mother. Refusing to give up, Juliet struggled and succeeded in providing her two beautiful children, now age 11 and 12, with the best milk. But it was a slap on the face to realise her initial breastfeeding challenges could have been easily resolved. Hence Juliet became a lactation consultant in October 2011. She channels her energy to empower new expectant mothers, imparting 'trade secrets' and know-hows, in hope that others will not make the same mistake as she did. She does so via Mumsfairy, the first company she set up with her good friend Valerie, which focuses on lactation hands-on workshop for pregnant mothers customised in local context. Research has shown that if a mother receives prenatal education and support from an IBCLC, she has a higher chance to breastfeed longer and more exclusively. A good start is half the battle won. Once mothering begins, there is hardly time to nap, let alone learn. Hence early preparation is wise. Juliet also sees importance in professional product education. Effective breastfeeding aids, when used correctly, can make a big positive difference. It is worthwhile to invest, for benefits outweigh the cost, and in fact, priceless. We do not carry doubtful products as they can sabotage long term milk supply. Every drop of breastmilk is precious. Being the breastfeeding and breastpumping expert, Juliet views this calling as her pastime and duty to serve. This website holds lots of love for it was jointly created by Juliet and her daughter. We hope our warmth, passion and genuinity will brighten your path as we stroll down the parenting journey together.

Benefits of breastfeeding

Sharing our favourites among the endless list


For Baby

Higher IQ | Better eyesight | Protect against viruses and bacteria | Lower risk of obesity Facilitate dental and jaw development | Bonding with Mummy | Promote emotional health | Lower risk of asthma, allergies, ear infections and respiratory illnesses


For Mother

Faster weight loss | Speed up postpartum recovery | Delay menstruation Lessen osteoporosis and hip fracture | Save time and money | Promote emotional health Bonding with baby | Reduce risk of women's cancers, type 2 diabetes and heart disease